The radio stations connected to our platform have an audience located mostly in the United States and Mexico.
The US audience, which is very large, speaks English and Spanish.


Monash Media is an Ad Tech company with more than 15 years of experience in the streaming audio industry.
Provides media agencies and trading desks with a connection to our SSP/Ad Exchange to be able to activate programmatic audio campaigns with any of the supported DSPs.
Programmatic deals through a DSP:
Private Marketplace (PMP) – Buyers purchase identified inventory, deal ID
Programmatic guaranteed (PG) – Guaranteed delivery, fixed price, deal ID

Programmatic Audio Streaming
Programmatic native advertising has been shown to deliver higher levels of engagement and brand awareness by being integrated into the content format, such as live digital audio, allowing brands to integrate rather than interrupt the user experience.
Programmatic native advertising has been shown to deliver higher levels of engagement and brand awareness by being integrated into the content format, such as live digital audio, allowing brands to integrate rather than interrupt the user experience.
Programmatic Audio Streaming
Ad Serving Tecnology
Advanced dynamic ad insertion and precise one-to-one targeting.
The digital live audio formats to deliver spots are: In-stream technology reaches all devices, smart speakers, game consoles, set-top boxes, apps, websites, mobile phones, etc. Technology immune to ad-blockers

Audio Broadcast
Live Audio Catchup

Audience segmentation
Contextual segmentation is achieved using real-time machine learning (ML) technology to be sent to our programmatic audio platform where trading desk DSPs have access.
IAB Context Taxonomy
IAB20-3 Air Travel
IAB8 Food & Drink
IAB2 Automotive
IAB2-3 Buying/Selling Cars
Contextual segmentation is achieved using real-time machine learning (ML) technology to be sent to our programmatic audio platform where trading desk DSPs have access.

IAB Context Taxonomy
IAB20-3 Air Travel
IAB8 Food & Drink
IAB2 Automotive
IAB2-3 Buying/Selling Cars
Audience segmentation.
Media agencies with our technology